Engineering and Design Contractor to the Bike Industry

Bike design - with tomorrow in mind

O’Connor Design specializes in delivering fast, strong, lightweight and affordable frames.


Structural Engineering

All our frame designs are subject to twelve unique load scenarios, each representing a common high-load riding condition. O'Connor Design utilizes a Finite Element Mesh, which contains a mixture of solid and shell elements and approximately one million nodes (3M D.O.F). This detailed analysis creates a robust global picture and ensures correct transfer of loads to the individual moving parts.

Creo Specialist

All bikes and parts are designed using PTC Creo, a top-tier 3D modelling software. With twenty years of experience, mastering this tool, O'Connor Design can offer rapid turnaround on multiple frame sizes and projects.

Mule frame fabrication

Custom mules can ensure product performance and drastically lower overall project risk. These test products can be used to evaluate kinematics, geometry, and integrate any new technology that is not yet ready for production. In collaboration with Master Frame Builder Keith Paynter, we can equip you with up to three custom prototype mules in various sizes.


Backed by ten years of machining experience, from intricate parts to full mule frame  fabrication, O’Connor Design can create an optimized product ready to manufacture.

Kinematics expert

Frame optimization requires a comprehensive understanding of kinematic theory.  O’Connor Design has the ability to simultaneously develop several unique linkage layouts at the same time (co-rotating and counter-rotating, for example), each sharing the same kinematic properties. With the ability to easily move pivot points during the design process, without altering kinematic properties, frame optimization can occur.